
The Importance of Choosing the Right Life Insurance Policy for Your Retirement Years

人寿保险有它的好处, and choosing a manageable life insurance policy is a critical step in your retirement planning. 它可以帮助你的家人支付临终费用, 丧葬费, 还要支付遗产税. It is essential you select a life insurance policy that could benefit you and your family in your retirement years. 这里有一些选择,可以和你的财务专家一起审查.



This type of life insurance does not build a cash value and has a temporary coverage length of anywhere from 1 to 30 years. 有固定的死亡抚恤金, 它通常不那么复杂, 与其他一些选择相比,成本更低. Coverage for term life insurance varies, however, it could be significant depending on its structure. People tend to buy enough to cover their working years should they die early. The money can then help their surviving spouse with day-to-day short-term financial responsibilities, 比如抵押贷款或支付孩子的教育费用.

  • 优点: 它通常是最便宜和最简单的人寿保险.
  • 缺点: 如果你的寿命超过了保单期限,受益人将得不到赔偿.


This type of insurance is a permanent life insurance policy with what is known as a cash value account using invested money, 一般在共同基金中. Having the cash value invested in 资产 like a mutual fund opens it up to market volatility risk as it may rise and fall in value like a stock. 如果你愿意, there is the option to portion a part of the premium to a fixed account, so you are guaranteed a rate of return helping to mitigate some of the market risk. Variable life insurance also pays a death benefit to your beneficiaries after you die.

  • 优点: 可变保单的收益可能提供免税收入.
  • 缺点: These policies are considered more volatile than other forms of life insurance.


This a permanent form of insurance that generally lasts for your whole life as long as the premiums are paid. Your premiums also remain the same throughout your life as well as the amount of your death benefit. 终身寿险的另一个好处是现金价值部分. 当您支付保费时, 其中一部分用于支付保险费用, 剩下的部分进入现金价值账户. The cash will accrue over time based on the rate determined by the policy and when it reaches a specific amount you are able to borrow from that account.

  • 优点: This type of insurance is less complicated than some of the other permanent choices, 另外,保险通常覆盖你的整个生命, 你可以增加现金价值账户.
  • 缺点: 它比便宜的定期人寿保险要贵得多.


Universal life insurance is a type of permanent life insurance that gives you the opportunity to adjust your premium payment amounts and potentially greater cash value growth over time. 说到普遍性, 有不同的类型可供选择, 重要的是你要明白哪种方法适合你.

  • 优点: This type of insurance may be cheaper than, for example, whole life insurance.
  • 缺点: 并不是所有的万能保险都能保证你的现金价值增长.


A type of policy designed to cover the expenses your loved ones would be responsible for in the unfortunate event of your death. 只要你付款,你的保险应该持续你的一生. Payment options can usually be either monthly or in one large sum annually.

  • 优点: 因为它通常不需要体检, this may be a suitable option if you have a pre-existing condition that prevents you from a whole or term life insurance policy. 另一个好处是对如何使用这笔支出没有限制.
  • 缺点: 这些政策通常都很昂贵, 注册可能需要长达两年的等待期. If you die before the waiting period ends, your beneficiaries won’t get anything.


人寿保险有好几种, 每一种都可能以不同的方式影响你的财务状况和目标. Consider consulting a financial professional to review your life insurance options in preparation for retirement and ensure your family is cared for.

要求免费咨询, 无论是面对面的还是虚拟的, 与元素财富管理的财务顾问合作.



This material contains only general descriptions and is not a solicitation to sell any insurance product or security, 本文也不打算作为任何财务或税务建议. For information about specific insurance needs or situations, contact your insurance agent. This article is intended to assist in educating you about insurance generally and not to provide personal service. They may not take into account your personal characteristics such as budget, 资产, 风险承受能力, family situation or activities which may affect the type of insurance that would be right for you. 除了, state insurance laws and insurance underwriting rules may affect available coverage and its costs. Guarantees are based on the claims paying ability of the issuing company. If you need more information or would like personal advice you should consult an insurance professional. You may also visit your state’s insurance department for more information.

All information is believed to be from reliable sources; however, LPL Financial makes no representation as to its completeness or accuracy.


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